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Blog, News Hilary Brown Blog, News Hilary Brown

Yoga Moves Teacher: Caitlin Lindsey

CAITLIN LINDSEY: Yoga teaches employ different strategies to refresh themselves from their job of teaching yoga. Some do more yoga, some spend time doing something else… find out what a few of our teachers do. We will add to this article periodically, as some of our teachers report from their holy-days…!

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Blog Guest User Blog Guest User

The Power of Precision: the Transformative Benefits of Iyengar Yoga

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the transformative power of Iyengar yoga? If you're a new yogi or simply curious about this dynamic practice, you've come to the right place. Get ready to dive deep into the world of Iyengar yoga, where precision, alignment, and attention to detail are the keys to unlocking your full potential.

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Blog Guest User Blog Guest User

What’s the difference between Yoga Moves’ workshops, XL workshops, and teacher trainings?

Whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, Yoga Moves offers a variety of options to deepen your practice. From workshops that blend theory and hands-on experience to XL workshops focused on specific topics, to comprehensive teacher training programs, Yoga Moves has something for everyone. Explore the key differences between these offerings, so you can choose the right fit for your yoga journey.

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Blog, News Maurice Eikmans Blog, News Maurice Eikmans

International Yoga Day | Summer special

International Yoga Day: The Perfect Moment to Kick Off Your Summer with our special

International Yoga Day, celebrated annually on June 21st, is a global event that honors the ancient practice of yoga and its countless benefits for mind, body, and spirit. The summer solstice and International Yoga Day coincide for a reason. The longest day of the year marks a time of renewal, growth, and heightened energy - exactly the vibes we want to cultivate on our mats.

For a limited time only, you can buy our Summer 8x Class Card for just €89.

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Blog, News Maurice Eikmans Blog, News Maurice Eikmans

Celebrating 20 Years of Yoga Moves ONE

It's hard to believe, but 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of studio Yoga Moves ONE, Hilary first started teaching yoga classes back in 2001 in a small rented studio and on 1 June 2004, she signed the rental contract to open the doors of Yoga Moves at the St Janshovenstraat 1 in Utrecht.

To celebrate this incredible milestone, we are offering a special 20th anniversary sale on some of the most popular class packages and memberships.

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Blog Hilary Brown Blog Hilary Brown

The Value of Studying with a Single (senior) Yoga Teacher

Find a teacher of yoga that can take you deeper

A dedicated teacher-student relationship fosters trust and rapport. Your teacher becomes attuned to your abilities, challenges, and goals, customizing guidance to suit your needs. This personalized approach empowers you to explore your practice safely and effectively, while also deepening your understanding of yoga.

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News Maurice Eikmans News Maurice Eikmans

What time are you coming to your yoga class?

What time are you coming to your yoga class?

Our yoga classes start at a fixed time and are group classes. We strive to provide everyone in the class with the same experience, which is why our classes start at the designated time. If people arrive late and the class has already begun, it can disrupt the experience for the other students. That's why we ask you to be present at the studio about 10 minutes before the start of the class.

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Guest User Guest User

MIND foundation Fundraising by students from Hogeschool Utrecht

Fundraising for the MIND foundation by students from HU

We are thrilled to have been approached by students from Hogeschool, Utrecht to collaborate on a fundraising event for the MIND foundation. MIND aims to improve mental health and support anyone dealing with mental health issues.

To raise money for MIND, three groups from HU are organizing an event at Yoga Moves. During these gatherings, they will share more about MIND, and of course, there will be a yoga class that you can participate in. The yoga classes themselves are free, and the teachers are generously volunteering their time. Yoga Moves is offering their studios free of charge. The students will be requesting donations from the participants of the classes.

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News Maurice Eikmans News Maurice Eikmans

Update General conditions

In the last coulple of year we changed some things in our offering but did not change everything in our General Conditions, So we have been rewriting it and added some topics

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Blog Maurice Eikmans Blog Maurice Eikmans

Yoga Moves CRKBO Registered: Quality and Benefits for You

If you are passionate about yoga and value high-quality training, we have some exciting news to share. Yoga Moves is thrilled to announce that our trainings have received the prestigious stamp of approval from the Centraal Register Kort Beroepsonderwijs (CRKBO). Benefits of CRKBO registration include quality recognition, clear communication, VAT exemption, and lower prices for trainings. So it makes yoga education more affordable!

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Blog Maurice Eikmans Blog Maurice Eikmans

Early Bird Day: Book Your Training or Workshops Early and Save

Start planning ahead. We believe in rewarding proactive decision-making and dedication towards personal growth. That’s why we have introduced our new Early Bird pricing system, designed to provide financial incentives for those who book early.

Every 1st of the month is now Early Bird Day at Yoga Moves. This means that for designated trainings and workshops before the 1st of each month, we offer an early bird price. The early bird price increases every month until it reaches the regular price. By booking early, you can take advantage of lower prices.

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Blog Maurice Eikmans Blog Maurice Eikmans

Het Achtvoudig Pad: Samadhi

De staat van verlichting: Samadhi.

Hét hoogtepunt en tevens laatste stap van het Achtvoudig Pad, waarbij we eenheid ervaren met het universum en ons ware zelf. Het klinkt als een mystiek concept dat alleen voor yogi's en monniken is weggelegd. Maar is het echt zo onbereikbaar? In deze blogpost gaan we dieper in op Samadhi, wat het betekent en hoe we het kunnen toepassen in ons dagelijks leven.

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Blog Maurice Eikmans Blog Maurice Eikmans

Het Achtvoudig Pad: Dhyana

Dhyana: Meditatie in actie

Welkom bij een nieuwe blogpost waarin we dieper ingaan op het concept van Dhyana, oftewel, meditatie in actie. Misschien heb je al ervaring met meditatie of ben je nieuwsgierig naar hoe je dit kunt toepassen in jouw dagelijks leven. Hoe dan ook, we geven je alle ins en outs over Dhyana en hoe jij het kunt integreren in jouw leven.

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Blog Maurice Eikmans Blog Maurice Eikmans

Het Achtvoudig Pad: Dharana

Dharana: Concentratie voor een heldere geest

Heb je ooit het gevoel gehad dat je gedachten als een wilde achtbaan door je hoofd razen? Dat je moeite hebt om je te concentreren op één taak tegelijk? Maak je geen zorgen, je bent niet de enige. In ons drukke dagelijkse leven kan het soms een uitdaging zijn om onze gedachten te focussen en productief te blijven. Maar maak je klaar, want vandaag gaan we praten over Dharana - de kunst van concentratie!

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Blog Maurice Eikmans Blog Maurice Eikmans

Het Achtvoudig Pad: Pratyahara

In een wereld vol constante prikkels kan het soms moeilijk zijn om naar binnen te keren en innerlijke rust te vinden. Gelukkig biedt het 8-voudige pad van yoga ons een waardevol hulpmiddel - Pratyahara.

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News Guest User News Guest User

Changes in pricing and memberships

We regularly update our pricing and conditions. We understand that changes can have an impact on you, but they are necessary for us to continue offering yoga. In the past year, inflation and increased purchase prices have also affected us. These changes will take effect from February 1, 2024.

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