The Origin of Power Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga has quiet a history
By Hilary Brown

When I started getting more into yoga over 30 years ago, Ashtanga felt like advanced yoga because I was not used to the flowing, dynamic practice that asked things of my body I had never tried. I remember going to my first primary series class in Berkeley, California where my friend and I stood in the back of the room and laughed at ourselves falling out of the poses but also feeling kind of smug: we did it!

I even had the great honor of practing with Maty Ezraty in Hawaii on the porch of her Maui house. (Maty was a pioneer yogi that helped popularize the ancient practice of yoga in the United States and created a rigorous teaching program that trained tens of thousands of yoga instructors around the world).  This period in the 1980's was "in the beginning" of the Ashtanga finding its way into the west. (It arrived in LA, Hawaii, and in some pockets in Europe by then). That expereince with Maty blew me away and inspired me for many years. It would be a number of years later I would re-discover Ashtanga Yoga practice. 

I also remember when the first "Power Yoga" started in California. What is it? Only to discover that is actually was (at the time) a modified version of Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series. Someone apperantly went to class and afterwards said "wow that was a powerful class" and Power Yoga was born. 

Fast forward to The Netherlands: When I opened Yoga Moves, I mostly taught using a "power yoga" approach, integrating the core principles of Ashtanga. It was a totally new practice for the people of Utrecht at that time (2001) They didn't know yoga could make you sweat, breath, move, flow like that! I even had the comment at times: Is that yoga? My answer: yes it is!

Over time, I personally moved into other spaces and styles of yoga. But I recognize the POWER of YOGA and how learning how to practice, breath, flow, focus is the core essence accross all deeper practices. 

Marilou van Hoek has been part of Yoga Moves for over 15 years. She also started her yoga career in Yoga Moves training (at the time: power yoga oriented!) and has studied and developed as a teacher and trainer all these years. Her Ashtanga/ Power Yoga course has supported many people to deepen their practice, understanding of themselves and for many: to help them start the process of sharing this practice with others.

Marilou is teaching Ashtanga Summer School and her 200 hour teacher training that starts each year in the fall.

With love and light,


Listen to Pioneer and the late Maty Ezraty on Ashtanga Yoga 
So much insight into life, yoga, yogis! 


Yoga Moves Teacher: Caitlin Lindsey


Yoga Moves Teachers: Summer Strategy to balance practice and life