yoga moves General Terms and Conditions

Article I.              Establishment of agreements

 1.01      Yoga Moves “General Terms and Conditions” is a legally binding document that applies to participation in all services, promotion, interaction with our website, activities, contracts and agreements for booking services (online and in our premises), promoted or hosted by Yoga Moves.

 1.02      By accessing our website ( or, or buying any services at Yoga Moves, we assume you accept these terms and conditions in full. Yoga Moves reserves the right to vary or revoke any of the General Terms and Conditions from time to time which it may consider necessary or suitable for the regulation of the governance of the studio & the conduct of Clients. The most recent version of the Terms and Conditions is always the version that is applicable and is always available at the Website. Yoga Moves will announce any amendments to the General Terms and Conditions in our monthly newsletter.

 1.03      Deviations from and additions to, concluded agreements of these general terms and conditions are only valid if and insofar as these have been explicitly confirmed in writing either directly to the Client or published on Yoga Moves website by Yoga Moves.

 1.04      If one or more stipulations in these General Terms and Conditions at any time wholly or partially are void or destroyed, then the remainder of these general terms and conditions remain fully applicable.

 1.05      In some cases, we may add Special Conditions to cover a specific event or retreat or training. These will be published on the page that advertises this service on Yoga Moves website.

 1.06      The General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of The Netherlands & subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dutch Courts.

 1.07      Article II. These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of Yoga Moves' website & services.

Article II.            Yoga Moves: refers to the services offered by the companies, Yoga Moves BV; registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht, the Netherlands, under numbers 30171870

 2.01      Yoga Moves ONE, St. Janshovenstraat 1, 3572 RA Utrecht

 2.02      Yoga Moves HOT, Jan van Scorelstraat 41, 3583 CK Utrecht

 2.03      Yoga Moves FLY, Croeselaan 209, 3521 BN Utrecht

 2.04      Yoga Moves HOT Central, Servaasbolwerk 15, 3512 NK Utrecht

 2.05      Yoga Moves TERWIJDE, Musicallaan 163, 3543 EC Utrecht

Article III.         Additional Terms and Conditions

 3.01      The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and any or all Agreements.

 3.02      Any additional terms or conditions made applicable to a specific service, workshops, course, retreat, or training organised by Yoga Moves.

(a)    Application form or application process: Refers to an application form that has to be filled out and signed by the aspiring participant prior to some services (mostly Teacher Trainings) of Yoga Moves. These services may have the stipulation that the participant must meet certain qualifications before being accepted in the course or program.

(b)    Classes: Indicate any regular occurring class we offer on our regular weekly schedule.

(c)     Classes Livestream & On-Demand indicates classes or workshops we deliver via any online platform. An on-demand class implies that the class was pre-recorded and thus, no teacher is available to answer or observe the clients’ activities.

(d)    Class Cards: a class card as referred to in article 10 allows entrance to a class, dependent on how many classes one buys. These cards have an expiration date depending on the card you choose.)

(e)    Class Card Monthly Memberships (or Membership): Yoga Moves offers various levels of price points for class attendance when a client agrees to memberships that is paid monthly and for a specified period of time.

(f)     “Client", “You”, and “Your” , “his”, “her” refers to the person accessing this website, or the person who has booked or participates in a service such as classes, workshops, courses, events, retreats or training provided or coordinated by Yoga Moves and accepting Yoga Moves terms and conditions.

(g)    Minors: People between the ages of 12 and 18 can only participate under the supervision and responsibility of a Participant who is 18 years old or older. In this situation, registration and payment must be done by, or at least with the permission of the parent/legal guardian. Children under the age of 12 do not have access to the regular offering, but only to the specially offered lessons, courses, workshops, and the like for this group. In case of certain medical reasons, the teacher may consider refusing the child's participation in the lessons. The refusal may be based, among other things, on the influence on safety/disruption of the group or the lack of sufficient knowledge about the child's condition by the teacher. This happens in good consultation with the parents/guardians.

(h)    Continuing Education: Courses for clients who have finished their primary education as a yoga teacher or other professional activities in a range of different topics.

(i)      CRKBO. The CRKBO (Dutch “Centraal register Kort Beroepsonderwijs”)  is the Central Register for Short Vocational Education. CRKBO certification is a requirement for VAT exemption in the Netherlands.

(j)     Discounted groups: We often have discounts available to certain groups of people. For example: full-time College or University students or U-pas holders or if you are <24 years old. Person must show valid proof of your status or Birth Day (status must also be valid longer than the terms of service). We reserve the right to request a renewal of your university or U-pas status once a year or at the end of the term indicated on your ID.

(k)    Default: To fail to do something, such as pay a debt or a deposit, that you legally must do.

(l)      Deposit: When a deposit is requested to hold a spot in a training or service, the client is required to transfer the amount mentioned to Yoga Moves account, within the time mentioned in the agreement. Failure to do so in time will result in default: the reservation is no longer held, and any financial discounts such as early-bird discounts may not be applicable.

(m)   Non-Refundable Fees: When a non-refundable application or admin fee is required to apply for a training or course, the stated amount of that fee will be deducted from any refund, should the client cancel their participation in the course and be offered a refund.

(n)    Event: An event is when Yoga Moves offers special or regular services in our or external locations, possibly in partnership with another organisation(s), where our services are integrated or offered in a special situation.

(o)    Financial Agreement: The signed agreement between Yoga Moves and the (aspiring) Client that stipulates the financial terms and payment dates agreed to.

(p)    Force Majeure: An unexpected event such as a war, crime, pandemic, or an earthquake which prevents someone from doing something that is written in a legal agreement. Yoga Moves is not liable under these circumstances for non-performance caused by events or conditions beyond Yoga Moves’ control. This provision does not relieve the Client of its obligation to fulfil payment obligation.

(q)    Pre-Teacher Training: Preparatory training courses offered prior to a training that trains its participants to become a yoga teacher.

(r)     Price: The total price of a service, including the deposit. It may or may not include VAT.

(s)     Early-Bird Price: A discounted price that is conditional that the participant pays the full discounted price by a specific (early) date, stated on the workshop or event page.

(t)     Instalment Price: A price and payment terms the participant agrees to pay using automatic money transfers, for training fees. If they cancel within agreed upon terms, an admin fee will be deducted from refund. Should a student default or cancel participation outside of normal limits offered to fully paid students (42+ days before start date of training), then the remainder of the fees are still owed to Yoga Moves, regardless of the reason for withdrawal.

(u)    Yoga Moves services: Including but not limited to group or private yoga or movement or meditation classes, courses, workshops, training, events or retreats; memberships, massage services, class cards; purchases online or in person for services yet to be delivered, and for products in our shop, courses, workshops, events, retreats and teacher trainings.

(v)    Starters Cards: A low-cost introduction period for a new client to try our classes. They are available for new members who live or work in the province of Utrecht.

(w)   Student (or client): The person who attends or wishes to attend a class, course, workshop, private session, teacher training, retreat or other event.

(x)    Student (University students): We distinguish between "clients who are students at Yoga Moves" and students who are enrolled in a college or University and therefore eligible for discounts.

(y)    Retreat: A retreat describes an event taking place in another location in The Netherlands or internationally, where yoga or similar services are offered in a location with lodging, food and training or classes. Travel expenses are not included.

(z)     Teacher: The person who has been contracted by Yoga Moves to teach classes, give private sessions, workshops, events, or training.

(aa)  Trainer: The person who has been contracted by Yoga Moves to teach workshops or training.

(bb)     Teacher Training: Any teacher training organised with and/or by Yoga Moves, that trains its participants in their further development as yoga teachers or other professional activities.

(cc)      Website: The website of Yoga Moves:

(dd)     Workshop: A yoga workshop given or to be organised by Yoga Moves.

(ee)     Yoga Moves Member: A client of Yoga Moves with an active class card, membership or someone who participates in classes.

Article IV.           Becoming a Yoga Moves Client

 4.01      Participation in any of Yoga Moves activities - be it paid or unpaid, on site or off site, means (by default) that you are a client of Yoga Moves.

 4.02      Clients may participate in our classes, training, courses, massage, events, or other activities during the term of the specific terms determined by the product or service type and conditions.

 4.03      One may also be a client by purchasing any items in our shop, online or in one of our shops.

 4.04      When a person has signed Member Registration Form or Client agreement or Signed into a class or workshop online, or dropped into our studio and joined an event or class or has been accepted in a workshop or training program or ticked the Terms & Conditions Online form(s), or paid the first or total instalment, and fulfils the requirements of that membership, they shall become a Client or a Yoga Moves Member.

Article V.             Schedule And Opening

 5.01      In the event of force majeure, unforeseen circumstances, including illness or transportation problems of the teacher, Yoga Moves reserves the right to change our schedule at any time, to cancel a yoga class(es), training day and/ or to change the teacher or move our services to an online platform.

 5.02      In the case of total cancellation of such classes, trainings, or workshops due to force majeure or unforeseen circumstances a outlined in 5.01, there will be no refund of any fees.

 5.03      Yoga Moves is not responsible for travel fees, or any expenses incurred by you because of such cancellation.

 5.04      All clients will be taken out of the class if they signed in, in-advance and may use the session in another day or time.

 5.05      Yoga Moves reserves the right to close its doors on public holidays or on other days as needed.

 5.06      If we must close due to repairs or personal emergency, due to public health circumstances, war, force majeure, for 15 days or more (of all studios combined), Yoga Moves will offer compensation in future extension of class cards or memberships.

 5.07      Closure under 15-days, we will not be responsible for compensation.

 5.08      If we continue to offer our session online, instead of in person in our studios, we consider this to be a fulfilment of our obligation to serve.

 5.09      Client has the right to request a pause until our studio classes resume, but within limits due to the circumstances.

Article VI.           Limitation of Liability

 6.01      Yoga Moves strongly recommends that clients consult with their physician before beginning any exercise program. It is the clients’ responsibility to ensure that they are capable of undergoing strenuous physical activities, yoga or other activity classes, workshop, teacher training or retreat, that they attend, regardless if with a live teacher, online or on demand (online).

 6.02      Clients accept the risk of injury from performing yoga or other exercises. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.

 6.03      Client also agree to release and discharge Yoga Moves and all its agents (teachers and trainers' consultants) from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of participation in Yoga Moves services or Yoga Moves or its agents’ negligence.

 6.04      Yoga Moves and all contractors used by Yoga Moves are not hired as licensed medical care provider and represent that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.

 6.05      Yoga Moves accepts no liability for loss or damage to property or injury of clients or their guests to them on the premises or outside.

 6.06      In some classes or training, hands-on assists are used to help guide a client into a posture or to help them discover how to work more effectively in it. Clients are always encouraged to let the instructor know if they prefer no hands-on assists. There are often cards available to place by your mat to remind the teacher of this request.

 6.07      Although we strive to only provide correct information on our website, we are not liable for any inaccuracy and no rights can be derived therefrom.

Article VII.        General Guidelines & Code of Conduct

 7.01      Personal belongings are brought into Yoga Moves premises at the client’s risk and Yoga Moves does not accept liability for any loss or damage whatever to such items. For security reasons, clients are advised to take small valuable personal belongings with them into the studio, and not leave them in the changing rooms area.

 7.02      Arriving on time is required to enter the room at least 5-minutes prior to the start of class, workshop, or training. In some cases, late arrival will mean no entrance or postponed entrance, with no refund.

 7.03      Clients are requested to wear a form or dress appropriate to the practice of yoga and other movement classes. Body and clothing should cover private parts, be hygienic and clean and free from strong smells or cologne.

 7.04      Clients are requested to give written notice to Yoga Moves of any change of address, email or contact number. Failing such notice, all communications sent by Yoga Moves shall be assumed to have been received by the Client within 5 days of emailing or posting to the last email or post address notified to the Yoga Moves.

 7.05      Yoga Moves reserves the right to withdraw, suspend or refuse our services without any refund of any service fees paid already, to any Client whose conduct is, or may deemed to be in reasonable opinion, injurious to the character or sphere of Yoga Moves; or persons who do not observe Terms & Conditions; or where such expulsion is otherwise to be in the interests of the other Clients or Staff.

 7.06      Please note that Yoga Moves cannot be held responsible for the individual behaviour of any other person, client, or group member.

Article VIII.      Service Agreements: (Class Card, Memberships, Subscriptions)

 8.01      Clients may enter into service agreements (including class card, memberships, subscriptions) such that they pay an agreed upon special rate monthly for a specified or unlimited time period, for a series of classes or for a course or workshop.

 8.02      The financial agreement may be arranged by an "incasso" or automatic bank transfer as established under the standard agreements for these transactions under Dutch banking laws; or by agreement between both parties that the client pays said debt monthly for a period.

 8.03      The effective date of the term of any class card, memberships, subscriptions is the date of purchase.

 8.04      A clients Class Card Monthly Memberships may be put on hold for a maximum of one (1) month, once every 12 months, with a minimum amount of time warning of 5 working days prior to the to be suspended month. This membership pause may be requested via this online form.

 8.05      Minimum Subscription Period or term

(a)    Clients agree & acknowledge that by agreeing to the Minimum Subscription Period or term, they are given preferential rates by the Yoga Moves and therefore are obliged to pay the full agreed upon rate until the end of the minimum subscription period.

(b)    After the client has reached the minimum amount of time that card requires (Minimum Subscription Period or terms of 1, 3, 6, 12 months or any other time frame), Clients class card, memberships, subscriptions is automatically converted into a continuous auto pay agreement for an indefinite period, at the published fee on the website.

(c)     Once the minimum subscription period is over, client may cancel their class card, memberships, subscriptions by giving a minimum of 1 month notice by filling this online form.

 8.06      Yoga Moves may offer persons with specific class cards, memberships, subscriptions special bonuses or invitations at our discretion.

 8.07      To make use of any class card, memberships, subscriptions offer, client must be able to make payments by direct debit from a Dutch national bank (using an "incasso" agreement) or credit card.

 8.08      Any special requests from a client should be addressed via

Article IX.                       Early Termination of Class Card, Memberships, Subscriptions

 9.01      Clients may upgrade their class card, memberships, subscriptions at any time, or downgrade their class card, memberships, subscriptions after the minimum contract duration is over.

 9.02      Change requests can be made through this online form.

 9.03      In the event of prolonged illness or an injury (anticipating more than 6 weeks), the Client may terminate the class card, memberships, subscriptions early.

(a)    A request for early termination or a longer pauses, must be submitted to Yoga Moves in writing, within 2 weeks, and Yoga Moves reserves the right to evaluate and handle each case individually.

 9.04      The Client class card, memberships, subscriptions will be cancelled with the next cycle of payments. No refunds will be issued on past classes or the last cycle of classes in the payment cycle.

Article X.             Yoga Moves Class Cards - Single Or Multiple Use Class Cards

 10.01    The Yoga Moves Class "Cards" entitles the holder to a specified number of classes and are valid for a specific period (determined per product) after the date of purchase. After that period, the remaining classes on the "card" become invalid.

 10.02    We don’t issue actual cards, instead the client visits are managed through the software system (Bsport) connected to Yoga Moves website. Each client has access to their records, purchases, and remaining classes via their personal log in.

 10.03    The Yoga Moves Starters Card or other offers entitles can be purchased only once by new clients. A new client may use the Yoga Moves Starters Offers only if he has not attended more than one (1) yoga class at Yoga Moves. (Exceptions may apply).

(a)    Yoga Moves reserves the right to change this offer at any time. The Yoga Moves Starters Cards are activated from the date of purchase.

(b)    At the end term of the starter card and Class card, the right to attend classes is suspended regardless of how many classes have been attended.

 10.04    It is possible to purchase a 1-month class card extension through the Yoga Moves shop. Class card extensions may be purchased multiple times. 

(a)    A Class Card/ Starter Card may only be extended if it has been expired for less than 30 days (no exceptions apply). It takes up to 5 working days to apply the extension after purchase.

 10.05    There is no refund on these class cards, and they cannot be suspended for any amount of time.

Article XI.           Services Offered By Yoga Moves Teachers And Massage Therapists

 11.01    Yoga Moves offers referrals for private sessions such as one-on-one or personal appointments or massages with our (freelance) teachers.

 11.02    Yoga Moves offers a dedicated space on our website and through other means to help connect clients with teachers. Clients are enabled to contact the teacher directly through an online client request form or to book a massage directly with a masseuse via the Treatwell App we make use of (widget placed on our website)

 11.03    Liability: Once a client chooses to work with a teacher or massage therapist privately, the professional liability transfers to the specific teacher.

 11.04    The student liability remains the students (make sure you have doctor's clearance to perform any specific physical activity etc).

 11.05    In these specific cases of a referral to one of our teachers, all financial transactions will be between the specific teachers and client.

 11.06    Yoga Moves is acting in these cases as a referring party. And holds no responsibility either directly or indirectly, for dealings between client and teacher in the arrangement or delivery of said private sessions.

 11.07    Teachers and therapists are responsible for their yoga instructor liability insurance to safeguard against any third-party claims for injury or property damage.

 11.08    Should we receive valid complaints from a student about egregious misconduct or unsatisfactory performance of the teacher, we reserve the right to permanently stop referring the teacher to clients.

Article XII.        Payment, Price Changes & Discounts

 12.01    All classes, workshops, training, or other activities organised by Yoga Moves must be paid for before the services are rendered.

 12.02    Payments can be made online via our website; Credit Card (Visa, Master Card), Ideal or by PIN card on our premises; Money Transfer with invoice, or in the case of monthly payment agreements, by Direct Debit using automatic withdrawal (using an "incasso" agreement).

 12.03    We do not take cash on our premises.

 12.04    If a client debt cannot be collected, due to insufficient funds, blocking, dispute, or other reasons (unrelated to Yoga Moves technical issues), for example due to a wrong bank number given, a handling fee of up to €25,00 administration fees, plus the amount charged us by the third-party financial institutes.

 12.05    In the case of non-payment, Yoga Moves reserves the right to suspend the account of the relevant Client, and if necessary, to take legal action to recoup the legally agreed upon fees due.

 12.06    Yoga Moves reserves the right to change any or all services advertised and agreed on prices.

 12.07    Any price changes will be announced in advance, by placing statements on the Website, and/or by direct email. The currently applicable rates are always mentioned on the Website and are available for inspection at the reception desk of Yoga Moves.

 12.08    The client giving notice must continue to pay their fees at the rate current immediately prior to any proposed increase until the end of the term of their membership.

 12.09    If the above steps are not taken, the price changes will be implemented, and the new price or general conditions will be valid.

 12.10    Yoga Moves may, from time to time, offer discounts or "early bird" specials for some of their services. These offers are valid only during the dates stated on the website and are not available to persons who bought the same service made on earlier or later dates.

Article XIII.      Reservations And Signing In For Classes.

 13.01    Please be on time, at least 10 minutes before class starts. This will ensure your reserved spot, but you will also have enough time to prepare for your class.

 13.02    Before a yoga class Client must report to the reception desk of Yoga Moves and personally sign in via the Bsport system (also when you have signed in online).

 13.03    All classes are available for online booking up to 0 minutes in advance.

 13.04    Your booking is valid until 5 minutes before the class starts. If you have not shown up by then, we assume you will not be coming, and we are free to give your spot to someone else. You will not be compensated for your reservation.

 13.05    We do not accept late entries into class and reserve the right to send clients away when late, with no refund of fees.

 13.06    Yoga Moves reserves the right to change our policies for late cancellation including the fees or the time limit or both. We will publish the changes on our website and in our newsletter.

 13.07    If you cancel up to 2 hours before the in-studio or Livestream class starts or (using the Bsport system), this is considered an "Early Cancellation" and you will not be charged for the reservation. (To do this, go to your account and cancel the class in your schedule)

 13.08    If you cancel your reservation less than 2 hours before the start of a class, or you just don’t show up or are too late, your cancellation will be regarded as a "Late Cancellation" (or “no-show”).

 13.09    Consequences or Late Cancellation or a No-Show (reserving but not showing up to class and not informing the studio in time) are:

 13.10    If you have a single class or class card, this class will be charged from your card.

 13.11    If you have a Starter Card or Balance card, this class will be charged and deducted from your available classes.

 13.12    With an unlimited class card, memberships, subscriptions (unlimited options) you may late cancel/not show without charge once every two weeks. Additional late cancellations/no shows will be charged €7,50 euros per cancellation.

Article XIV.       Yoga Moves Workshops, Courses, Events, Teacher Training and Retreats.

 14.01    The current workshop, events, teacher training and retreat schedule can be found on the website. Yoga Moves reserves the right to change the schedule at any time. If possible, any changes are announced in advance, by email or newsletter and visible in the Bsport system.

 14.02    If a client does not allow email in their client profile in Bsport, we are not responsible for them failing to get announcements for events or changes to said events.

 14.03    The price for a workshop, event, teacher training and retreat can be found on the Yoga Moves website.

 14.04    Payment for a workshop, course, event or retreat must be paid in full before the start of the event. Registration may be affected by enrolment via the online reservation system.

 14.05    For Teacher Training, a payment plan may be applicable. These payment plans are mentioned on the Application Form of the specific training, under Financial Agreement.

 14.06    In case of participation in a teacher training or retreat, the deposit must be paid within the indicated time on the registration form or website. Only then, the application is complete, and a reserved spot is secured.

 14.07    The balance needs to be paid no later than the indicated period on the application form, prior to the start date. The client will receive an email or a copy of the agreement from Yoga Moves specifying the details agreed upon and deadlines for payment, including if relevant, a payment plan.

 14.08    For some Workshops, Teacher Trainings, Events, and Retreats an “Early Bird Rate” applies. This reduced rate applies until the date specified on the Website or in your confirmation of registration. After this date, the normal rate, which is also specified on the Website, applies without exception.

Article XV.          Cancellation for Workshops, Courses & Events

 15.01    Any participation in a scheduled workshop or event may be cancelled by the client themselves by going to their account in B-sport (YOGA MOVES back-office CMS). Alternatively, a client cancels or request a change by sending an email to:

 15.02    The conditions can vary per training; the cancellation policy is published in the subscription page of the training/workshop in Bsport and can vary from 72 hours up to 3 months. Occasionally an event will have a different cancellation policy, and this will be stated when the client enrolees in that event.

 15.03    The cancellation policy concerning refunds are determined per category workshop/event as described below.

(a)    Category 1: 1-day workshops/ trainings (up to 8 hours) can be cancelled up to 72 hours before the start date and time and will be fully refunded. After this time, the fee is non-refundable.

(b)    Category 2: 2–3-day workshops/ trainings (9-25 hours) can be cancelled up to 7 days before the start date and time and will be fully refunded. After this time, the fee is non-refundable.

(c)     Category 3: workshops/ trainings (26-50 hours) can be cancelled up to 14 days before the start date and time and will be fully refunded. After this time, the fee is non-refundable.

(d)    Category 4: workshops/ trainings +50hr can be cancelled up to 42 days (6 weeks) before the start date and time and will be refunded the remaining amount after the following has been deducted:

 15.04    These fees associated with training applications are not refundable:

(a)    Application to the training fees (usually €100),

(b)    Instalment Plan Admin fee (usually €50)

(c)     €25 administration fee for each instance of a late payment, or insufficient funds upon an automatic withdrawal, or to process a refund.

(d)    Any costs such Credit card or bank transfer fees we incur, (including receivables or pay-outs (refunds) or insufficient funds).

 15.05    Yoga Moves will refund any agreed-upon refunds (agreed to by both parties) to a client within 30 working days after agreement is made between both parties.

 15.06    How to cancelation for Category 3 & 4: workshops/ trainings (26 +hours)

(a)    If you wish to cancel after being accepted into the course you must inform us in writing, by email to: Please state the reason for departing.

Article XVI.       Cancellation Of Training Course | Illness or Other Force Majeure Events

 16.01    Yoga Moves reserves the right to cancel any class, workshop, training, course or event due to insufficient enrolment at any time due to lack of registrations, illness of the teacher, travel issues of the teachers or any other unforeseen circumstances. Notice will be provided with the option to reschedule for a future date or to receive a full refund of registration fees.

 16.02    Yoga Moves is not responsible for any expenses (e.g. for travel and accommodation) incurred by the customer if a workshop, training, course or event is cancelled.

 16.03    If the course is cancelled prior to the course start, 100 per cent of the fees will be refunded including the application fee.

 16.04    If course dates are changed or cancelled over the duration of the course itself, Yoga Moves will offer alternative course dates at no extra cost. We reserve the right to replace live in person days with online days if needed.

 16.05    We advise you to put travel insurance in place to cover flights and accommodation in the rare and unlikely event of cancellation.

 16.06    Yoga Moves retains the right to replace any trainer with another qualified professional in the case of illness, accidents, surgery or other force majeure events.

Article XVII.     Specific Conditions for Teacher Trainings or Continuing Education.

 17.01    Eligibility: We offer professional trainings. In order to participate in a foundational teacher training, you do not need to know yet if you will become a professional yoga teacher, but the course is designed towards that purpose at a beginner level.

 17.02    Yoga Moves trainings and continuing education intensives or courses aimed to support the professional development of current yoga teachers or other movement or wellness specialists.

 17.03    Our program is usually given in English; thus, our comprehension of English should be sufficient to understand and read the English materials. You are free to do your exams or assignments in Dutch usually.

 17.04    There are concepts, especially in Anatomy or Philosophy that can be challenging (approx. HBO level).

 17.05    If you are interested in this course solely to address any personal growth – physical, mental, or emotional – you are welcome to join but you should make that known to our trainers so the demands of the program can be adjusted. You will be asked to maintain assignments to the degree that they allow you to stay current in the course.  You may choose to not do the exams or evaluations, for example. But you will not receive the certificate of completion (diploma).

 17.06    The Teacher Training courses often have an intensive schedule and curriculum that can be physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding. By participating, the client declares that he/she/they is healthy on a medical and mental health level and is ready to fully participate in the demands of the program.

 17.07    By participating in a Training, the client declares that he/she/they is aware that it is their own responsibility to take care of their own health and well-being during such training, always.

Article XVIII.  Enrolment in A Training Program

 18.01    Clients may consider their enrolment confirmed in a Teacher Training Course, that require an application, after they have filled out the application form completely, have received approval or acceptance from Yoga Moves to participate in the Training, and have paid the deposit or full amount within the required deadline stated. Failure to do any of the above does not allow the client to hold a spot in the course.

 18.02    Training Deposits, Fees And Payments
Course fees include all tuition, online support materials, online classes, individual mentoring, printed manuals, assessment and personalized feedback process. 

 18.03    Payment Types (Cost In Euros)
Your payment for the training course may include an application/admin fee that is non-refundable. The rates are published on our website and will be reflected in your billing on your Bsport account.

(a)    Option 1: DISCOUNTED RATES (the amount one will pay is determined by the date you pay.
Discounted Rates
We offer various discounted prices that incrementally increase on the 1st of each month, the closer we get to the training. To enjoy a lesser price level you must pay the fee before the deadline of that price point.

(b)    Option 2: Pay the REGULAR RATE €XXX.

(c)     Option 3: INSTALLMENT RATE: The amount will be the REGULAR RATE €XXX + €50 non-refundable admin fee = XXX

             (i)    TERMS OF INSTALLMENT: you may pay in 6 instalments (or less if you prefer). However, a minimum of 3 Instalments need to be paid 15 days before the start date.
You must have a Dutch bank account or a credit card to participate in the instalment plan and agree to automatic withdrawal.
If you have questions about Instalment plan, please contact

(d)    Within 6 weeks (42 days) before the start date of the course all fees are non-refundable.

 18.04    Payments are non-transferable to other courses or people.

Article XIX.       Asking Someone to Leave a Training or Workshop

 19.01    After the start date of the course If a client misses over 10% of training, they risk receiving a no passing status. Each training has their own standard.

 19.02    Yoga Moves has the right to ask said person to leave the training (due to the disturbance it may cause).

Article XX.          Certification

 20.01    Most of our training are certified or recognised by Yoga (USA & Internationally recognised). or by another governing body where the trainer is registered.

 20.02    Yoga Moves is registered in the Dutch organisation that recognises professional level training by CRKBO.

Article XXI.       Requirements For Completion

 21.01    When a student fulfils the requirements of the Teacher Training, including successful completion and passing of in-class hours, homework, and evaluations, they will receive a certificate of completion.

 21.02    If applicable, the certificate can be submitted to Yoga to apply for membership (fee based) or a prospective employer as evidence that they have completed it or as evidence of continuing education in yoga.

 21.03    Paying for the program and completing the training hours alone does not mean client will pass the program. Assignments and evaluations must also be completed to have a passing mark.

 21.04    All Training materials are under copyright protection and cannot be reproduced without the permission of the author. Failure to comply may result in legal action.

 21.05    Yoga Moves reserves the right to a student to leave the program if found plagiarizing, if behaviour is disruptive, inappropriate, negatively impacting other students' learning, unethical or violations of the Yoga Alliance ethical guidelines. Under such circumstances, I student will not be refunded tuition.

 21.06    On successful completion of a training course, including all written work and assessments, client will be given a certificate of competency or participation.

 21.07    All Yoga Moves Teacher Training materials are under copyright protection and cannot be reproduced without the permission of the author. Failure to comply may result in legal action.

 21.08    Yoga Moves is not responsible for travel fees, or any expenses incurred by you because of such cancellation.

 21.09    Paying for the program and completing the training hours alone does not mean the client will pass the program.

 21.10    Many of our programs are offered in English, Dutch language programs will be specified on the website description.

Article XXII.      Participation in Retreat

 22.01    Any participation in a scheduled retreat may be cancelled only in writing. This can be done by sending an email to

 22.02    Upon cancellation of the retreat by the client, a cancellation fee is applicable:

(a)    a) 8 or more weeks before start date: 25% non-refundable

(b)    b) 4-8 weeks before start date: 35% non-refundable

(c)     c) 3-4 weeks before start date: 60% non-refundable

(d)    d) within 3 weeks before the start date: no refund.

 22.03    Transfers to other programs are not permitted. And no refunds will be made for failure to attend or to complete the retreat. In all other cases refunds will be processed after the retreat ends.

 22.04    Yoga Moves reserves the right to cancel within 3 weeks for insufficient attendance. In this case, the registration fee already paid by the clients is refunded immediately.

 22.05    If the retreat is cancelled, for whatever reason, Yoga Moves cannot be held liable for any damages. Yoga Moves is not responsible for travel fees, or any expenses incurred by you because of such cancellation.

 22.06    When you book your own flight or late booking, you are also responsible for taking out travel/cancellation insurance, which also covers the risk when a trip is cancelled by the Yoga Moves.

Article XXIII.  "Right Of Cancellation"

(a)    The client has the legal right to change their mind and cancel any service or product they purchased online with the exclusion of any Starters Card or Special (introduction) offers which implies you have a limited time to use it) within a period of 14 days, from the moment the client signed up online for the service or agreement.

(b)    The 14-day grace period does not apply to service or products purchased by an offer made directly to the client from an agent of Yoga Moves or a service or product purchased in one of our locations.

 23.02    To exercise the right to cancel, the client must inform us of their decision to cancel their (membership contract or other service) with Yoga Moves by filling out this online form. The date of sending the form will be considered the last day of their contract. Unless they use services beyond that date.

 23.03    Cancelling other products and services bought, can be done by sending a request to email to

 23.04    If client requests a refund to an item purchased within 14 days and has used some services or classes from the card, we reserve the right to not-refund the service because it has been partially used.

(a)    the client may receive a partial refund under some circumstances,

(b)    according to the attended services of this product (e.g. “rittenkaart” or training) or according to the exact days the client has enjoyed access to our services, regardless whether the client has actually attended classes or not.

(c)     If a client, when cancelling a class card, has used a portion of a class card, the used portions of the card will be billed as if the sessions used were paid as single classes or single training day, thus the benefit of buying a discounted card or service is removed.

 23.05    We do not accept return of products that are opened or look used or damaged.

 23.06    Any items specially ordered by specific request by a client are not returnable.

Article XXIV.    Governing Law and Dispute Settlement

 24.01    The General Terms and Conditions are exclusively governed by Dutch law.

 24.02    Feedback And Complaints Procedure

(a)    Should a client encounter a problem or have a serious complaint during any of our services, please inform a member of the Yoga Moves team immediately. To formally complain, send an email to All complaints are treated confidentially.

(b)    Any disputes relating to the General Terms and Conditions, any Membership, a Private Card or a Client’s attending group and private yoga classes, Workshops, Trainings or Retreats organised by Yoga Moves will be initially forward your complaint to our General Manager who will reply to the complaint within 5 working days.

(c)     After hearing of the complaint and after determining the facts of the situation, the General Manager will reply with a proposed settlement within 30 days. If we need more time, we will let you know.

(d)    Should the client not agree with our proposal, the situation will be settled exclusively by 1st choice) a mediator of Yoga Moves choice, a professional coach (third party) (Mirjam Wilwert​/ PULSE TO MOVE). This person is not a judge, but when both parties agree, can negotiate a binding agreement.

(e)    If after mediation, there is still no agreement, the final step might be arbitration in the court in Utrecht.
The appeal body (the mediator) verdict is binding for Yoga Moves.

 24.03    The General Manager keeps records on all complaints and outcomes.