International Yoga Day | Summer special

International Yoga Day: The Perfect Moment to Kick Off Your Summer

International Yoga Day, celebrated annually on June 21st, is a global event that honors the ancient practice of yoga and its countless benefits for mind, body, and spirit. Originating in India, this special day has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, with yoga enthusiasts of all levels coming together to flow, stretch, and find their center. And here at Yoga Moves, we're thrilled to be a part of this yogic movement.

But why is now the ideal time to dive into your yoga journey (or rekindle your existing one)? Well, the summer solstice and International Yoga Day coincide for a reason. The longest day of the year marks a time of renewal, growth, and heightened energy - exactly the vibes we want to cultivate on our mats. As the sun reaches its peak, it's the perfect moment to let go of any lingering winter blues, clear your mind, and open yourself up to the vibrant possibilities of the season ahead.

And what better way to make the most of this auspicious time than with an abundance of yoga classes? Whether you're looking to build strength, increase flexibility, or simply find a sense of calm amidst the summer chaos. From invigorating vinyasa flows to soothing yin sessions, we've got a wide range of offerings to suit every mood and need.

Summer Special 8x Class Card € 89,-

This year, we're kicking off our summer festivities with an unbeatable class card deal that's perfect for both seasoned practitioners and yoga newcomers alike. For a limited time only, you can buy our Summer 8x Class Card for just €89, Just over € 11,- a class. This special offer is valid for two full months, meaning you can take advantage of it all summer long as you deepen your practice and find your flow.

So why wait? This International Yoga Day, treat yourself to the gift of self-care and kick off your summer with an unbeatable class package that will have you feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to embrace all that the season has to offer. Head to claim your 8-class card before the July 21st deadline - your mind, body, and spirit will thank you.


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