Liliana Nuño

Liliana Nuño is a Yoga teacher and Somatic researcher born in Argentina. She was a professional dancer, dance teacher and choreographer in Buenos Aires in the 90s. She has been studying and transmitting her experience in Hatha Yoga, based on equanimity, for over three decades. She practices Vipassana Meditation for more than thirteen years.

Her journey in yoga started in Argentina, simultaneously to her dance career, with the study of Ashtanga Yoga. She deepened her studies in Europe and India in various Hatha Yoga approaches – such as Viniyoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Dynamic Yoga and Iyengar Yoga – and started studying somatics in New York.

Her work roots come from her training basis in dance that have grow interconnected with her long Yoga study practice alongside her somatic studies and investigation.

She has been developing OSSEUS Yoga – Gravity Research, a method of Somatic Consciousness which integrates in the Hatha Yoga practice. This method allows the recovering of the structural and functional integrity of the body in a organic way.

She lived in Lisbon for twenty years where she founded OSSEUS – Investigation and Somatic Education association, where developed most of her work. For the last ten years she have been facilitating classes for people with mobility and cognitive difficulties. Liliana is a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT).

She moved recently to the Netherlands and is teaching online classes, individual sessions, workshops and teacher trainings. Liliana collaborates with several dance companies and artistic institutions in Europe and Latin America.

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Lichun Tseng


Loïs Luca