Loïs Luca

When Loïs was a child, she dreamed of becoming a detective. Solving mysteries, exploring the world, it was all she could think about. Many years later, this never-ending curiosity is still as much present as it was then and has brought her to dive deeper and deeper into the world of yoga.

In the past years, she has followed many different teacher trainings in various yoga styles to only discover that there is never a point where you know it all, it’s an everlasting continuous exploration.

During her classes she invites students to join her on this exploration. Through postures, breathing and stillness, she challenges her students to listen to what is happening inside. As a busy bee herself, she understands the effect of the constantly demanding and always busy world we live on our body, mind and heart. Her gentle and encouraging approach creates a safe environment for anyone to reconnect with their own body, breath and rhythm. As no day is the same, and everybody is different, there is no good or bad. Just a lot to uncover. 

Her classes will leave you feeling warm, supported and hopefully a little curious too.

Book a class with THIS TEACHER:


Liliana Nuño


Luis Nava Castro