Luis Nava Castro

After much encouragement, Luis took his first yoga class in 2018. His desire to try yoga wasn’t strong at first. In fact, like many, Luis resisted the idea of giving yoga a try. Stereotypes and misconceptions deterred him from stepping on the mat for many years before giving yoga a chance. However, after the first transformative class, he never looked back. After becoming certified under Yoga Moves in 2021, he started teaching at various locations around Utrecht. He continued his education under Travis Eliot, and Lauren Eckstrom. Yoga has dramatically improved Luis’ physical wellbeing, and helped him develop better mental and emotional stability. He strongly believes in the vast healing effects the practice can provide.

Luis’ classes are dynamic, physically challenging, heart opening and meditative. Designed to keep your body strong and supple, your mind peaceful, and your spirit feeling light and free. The four major points he stresses in class are proper alignment, awareness of the breath, mindfulness of physical limits, and calmness of mind. Inviting you to cultivate present moment awareness and inner inquiry, so you can feel embodied throughout your personal journey. He is passionate about sharing yoga with his community, in order to help others shift into a more balanced way of living. Helping you to find inner peace, and to reach your fullest potential. 

Book a class with THIS TEACHER:


Loïs Luca


Maija Klamer