Joram Kapel
“We walk each other home”
Thanks to a pretty rough car accident, Joram has come to realize how important it is to actually listen to his body. Questions that helped him on this path: What can I handle? What’s too much? What do I say yes to, and what am I not ready for yet? Having the guts to set boundaries and accept where you’re at—while approaching it all with self-love.
For someone who was always “on” and loved being active and around people, this was no easy ride.
Thanks to NLP, therapy and Breathwork Joram learned about beliefs, patterns, emotions and how the body holds experiences and information.
And what an amazing tool is the breath to connect with your body, connect with yourself.
If it is to finally calm the mind and relax or to release locked tensions in the body – you will experience what is right for you.
‘Get out of the head and into the body’ an easy phrase to read although it can be a tough struggle to live by (also for me).
We learn from each other and Joram love's to guide you on your path – We walk each other home
Lets dive in the breath and reconnect with yourself
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