Jasmijn Koelink

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Jasmijn, trained as a social- and organizational psychologist, discovered yoga in her mid-twenties and immediately loved it. A few years into her practice, she completed the Teacher Training at Yoga Moves and has been teaching ever since. She currently teaches vinyasa flow, yin yoga and the slow flow style that one of her teachers, Hilary Brown, developed. Jasmijn’s style is further inspired by teacher Max Strom – and his breath-focused approach to yoga. She regularly participates in workshops by different teachers to deepen her understanding of her own practice and the art of teaching.

Jasmijn strives to flavor her classes with kindness by emphasizing individual adjustments and offering different levels for different bodies. They are breath-oriented, intense, yet grounding at the same time. An active meditation student herself, she integrates a meditative style of teaching into her classes where there is more stillness in between -and in- postures, to allow more body awareness.

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Upcoming events with Jasmijn:


Irma Swanink


Jamie Elmer