Dana Marshall

Dana Marshall (Brooklyn, New York 1962) is known for her heartfelt way of teaching and applies it to daily life. She creates an atmosphere of warmth and kindness in her classes which encourages students to relax into their bodies and minds.

Dana first encountered meditation at seventeen years old through personal contact with the meditation master Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche the founder of the Sakyong Lineage. Since then, she has been on the Buddhist Path of the Warrior and is a devoted student of the current lineage holder Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

Dana is a visual artist and has been weaving together like strands of DNA the path of warrior-ship with the path of art for forty years. To get a taste of Dana’s fine art photography visit: www.dmarshall.nl 

Attend an event with THIS teacher:


Judith Hanson Lasater


Léah Kline