Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

Learn how to stop “doing” and start “being”

Our bodies know how to relax. Our bodies know how to heal themselves.

Picture by Daniella Gruber

We are all exhausted. In our ambitious obsession with “doing” we have forgotten the healing power of “being.” And we often experience stress, the leading syndrome of our urban lives, which leads to heart disease, obesity, infertility, indigestion, lowered immune function and much more. In the pursuit of health and work-life balance, yoga has become another thing on our to-do list. Restorative yoga is about giving our bodies time and creating the conditions for relaxation and healing to occur.

In Restorative Yoga we:

  • Learn how to stop “doing” and start “being”.

  • See the pose as the actor and the practitioner as the receiver.

  • Discover the secret to going slow, paying attention, and being still.

  • Practice deep rest and listen to the rhythm of our own hearts.

  • Emphasise “being” rather than “doing.”

“We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to relax. Restorative yoga poses help us learn to rest deeply and completely.”

- Judith Hanson Lasater - author of Restore and Rebalance: Yoga for deep relaxation & Lizzies’ mom!

The Restorative Yoga Training WITH LIZZIE LASATER (18 hr)

Join Lizzie Lasater in this profound course to explore for yourself and learn the art of teaching people how to calm their whole system down and learn to let go. Open to yoga teachers or curious students from all styles.

How can you best support your students to find silence in the midst of our cacophonous 21st century?
How do you make space for the unseen inner work of yoga in a culture ever more mesmerised by materiality and consumerism?
How can you personally integrate a profession about slowing down and giving our attention to spiritual growth into our accelerating lives?

What you will learn

First you will learn straightforward techniques for teaching introversion and stillness. Learn how to offer your students ways to soothe their overstimulated sympathetic nervous systems and find relief from the stress of their busy lives.

We take a targeted look at the theory, alignment, sequencing, and energetics of Restorative yoga. You will learn for example, to teach supported inversions, the most advanced poses for quieting the brain, decreasing anxiety, boosting the immune system, and hormonal balance.

Yoga Alliance Continuing education

We are Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. This live module offers 18 hours of CE credits when you join this training.

Interested in becoming a certified Restorative Yoga teacher? 

Earn the Restorative Yoga Teacher Training 50-hour Certificate from Lizzie Lasater.

  1. Take the three-day live module with hands on experience with LIzzie in our studio.

  2. Enroll in two online modules: Restorative Pose Library and the Savasana, Pranayama, or Meditation Intensive. Additional fee of €500.

  3. Complete a report (based on your practice, studies and teaching experience) and submit to Lizzie.

“Twenty minutes a day of resting is an amazing gift you give
to yourself and the world at the same time.”

- Judith Hanson Lasater - author of Restore and Rebalance: Yoga for deep relaxation

The Details

  • An optional certificate is available from Lizzie when you attend all sessions and complete a project after the course. If you would like to receive this certification, please make sure to:

    1. Attend the live modules of this training.

    2. Complete two digital course: Savasana Intensive, Pranayama Intensive or Meditation Intensive.

    The Post-workshop upgrade towards a 50 hour Restorative Yoga Certification includes access to online pose library, certification fee, and enrollment in either the Savasana, Pranayama, or Meditation Intensive course. It costs €500 paid to Lizzie. Can buy it here

    3. Make a written report after completing the courses. Submit your written report and receive direct personal feedback from Lizzie.

    5. Get listed on the directory of certified Restorative Yoga Teachers.

    6. Receive Continuing Education Hours from Yoga Alliance.

    To teach Restorative yoga we must first learn to practice Restorative yoga :-)

    Check Lizzie’s website for more information about the digital courses and the written report.

    Please sign up for her extra digital course here.

    • Bring writing materials.

    • Bring your own or go out to lunch

    • Eat lightly before practice

    • Dress in loose fitting clothing

    • Arrive a few minutes early & put your cell-phone off or leave it outside the room

    • Before the workshop, inform the teacher of any injury or special condition

DATES & Price & Sign Up

Dates & Times:
June 28, 29, 30 2024 11.30-18.30

Plus online components you study and practice with on your own time.

Location: Yoga Moves Studio Fly | Croeselaan 209 | Utrecht

Price: €400.00
This is a new price because our trainings are now exempt from VAT (BTW) because we are CRKBO registered.

YACEP: 18 hrs of Continuing Education

You are requested to bring this book (not included):
Restore and Rebalance: Yoga for Deep Relaxation
by Judith Hanson Lasater

You will be offered to round this off up to a 50 hour training and have the certificate option, by joining her post-workshop upgrade towards a 50 hour Restorative Yoga Certification. Includes access to online pose library, certification fee, and enrollment in either the Savasana, Pranayama, or Meditation Intensive course. You can sign up ahead of time of after this course (link here)

Training full! To be added to the waitlist, click the button below and send us your Yoga Moves email. If you don’t have an account yet, please create one here.

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