Valerie Rossi

Valerie is a body movement lover and explorer, passionate about the mind-body relationship. And she is eager to create a space where others can feel into it.

Her youth in Belgium was infused with sports, with an intense Karate practice in her teens and later on various styles of dance. Discovering yoga as a teenager, she rekindled her practice in 2018 at a time where her being longed for more softness, slowness and authenticity.

Yoga has allowed her to gently rebuild inner strength, and is still a daily ally in reconnecting with what rings true to her.

“Whether in karate, dance or yoga, movement has always been a coming home, a means to detach from conditioned thoughts and to tap into inner truth - feeling the presence of the soul in the body and embodying a more assured and joyful version of myself.”

Keen to share her passion with others, she trained at the renowned Arhanta Yoga Ashram in 2022 and earned a 200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher certification. Her aim is to assist others on their own journey of self-discovery and health, promoting a slower pace and the cultivation of awareness.

“Learning to meet and to hold space for what is present in body and mind, is what makes us able to feel fully embodied here and now, slowly shedding tensions, learning to move (physically and through life) with more ease, more strength and more joy, and eventually (re)connecting with that inner spark within our heart.”

Her teaching style is focused, enthusiastic, and kind-hearted, infused with invitations to slow down and to pay attention to bodily sensations, as well as gentle encouragements to challenge yourself in a mindful way. You will often hear her emphasize the importance of finding steadiness and comfort in each yoga pose (body, mind and breath).

Valerie embraces and continuously learns about various tools of self-exploration, be that yoga (hatha, yin, nidra, restorative, …), but also somatic movement, somatic experiencing, authentic movement, (ecstatic) dance, expressive arts therapy, mindful walks in nature, and more.

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